Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest High Dollar Job

 On December 23, 2013, The City of Windcrest hired Thomas Pittman for a "Project Manager".

Seems strange that someone would be hired on December 23rd, but that's the official start date.

His compensation. $2888.88 bi-weekly  (Roughly $75,000 per year)  OK, that may not sound too unreasonable for a Project Manager, but it gets better.

An open records request for a copy of his contract,  job application and qualifications returned this official reply from the city.

 "The City of Windcrest does not have a contract as Mr Pittman is a part time city employee."

Wow, so now its $75,000 for a PART TIME employee and WITHOUT a job application or contract.

That equates to a $150,000 dollar per year, the highest paid employee ever! 

The only time I know Tom Pittman acomplished anything was when he was caught opening a fire Hydrant to run water into a pond.  You may remember the news article, employee charged with stealing water.  At that time I bet you did not know he was Windcrest's highest paid employee!

Our City Council is out of control.  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton and Pam Dodson are up for re-election.

Please VOTE for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott to replace these three council positions and get control of this city.

Paying a part time employee $75,000/yr is outrageous!  

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