Saturday, December 20, 2014

Rafael Castillo, City Manager in Street Fight!

Windcrest stoops to a new low. Last Saturday, City Manager, Rafael Castillo and a Windcrest Citizen came to blows, right in front of Windcrest City Hall, of all places, under the Christmas Tree no less!
  Citizens indicate Rafael Castillo initiated a conversation with the Citizen about an unknown subject and during the conversation an exchange of blows ensued and the fight was on!  Very unprofessional conduct for a City Manager! The investigation (assuming there is one) report has not been released to date.
  Rafael Castillo should be seeking a position elsewhere for such behavior, but after all this is Windcrest.  Rafael is no stranger to resignations in lieu of discharge so stay tuned for further developments.
 Meanwhile, consider bringing a body guard if you plan on visiting Windcrest City Hall, Rafael is still employed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In N Out Burgers

  The previous blog detailed the hiring of Thomas Pittman @2888.88 bi weekly. No contract, no job application but has the title of Project Manager.  The city says because he is Part Time so there is no requirement for a contract or job application.

 As of May 2014 he is still drawing $2888.88 every two weeks for his part time presence.  No idea what he does, but he surly is on the payroll.  Oh, he is not being paid as Thomas Pittman, but being paid simply with a purchase order for Contract Labor.  No record of a Pittman anywhere in the financial records.  Hows that for being Open and Transparent?

 Need I mention, This is the same Thomas Pittman that's named in a Stone Oak Lawsuit along with Robert Colunga (WEDC)  I believe there are additional law suits pending, however, that does not phase this administration on iota.

  This web of half truths and misinformation while claiming to be Open and Transparent will implode one day I'm sure.  Meanwhile the Citizens of Windcrest are being ripped off with the ruse of Lower Taxes etc.

 Maybe Mr. Pittman should apply for a In N Out Burger job they have posted for the First In N Out Burger in Bexar county ready to open out on Culebra.  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Windcrest High Dollar Job

 On December 23, 2013, The City of Windcrest hired Thomas Pittman for a "Project Manager".

Seems strange that someone would be hired on December 23rd, but that's the official start date.

His compensation. $2888.88 bi-weekly  (Roughly $75,000 per year)  OK, that may not sound too unreasonable for a Project Manager, but it gets better.

An open records request for a copy of his contract,  job application and qualifications returned this official reply from the city.

 "The City of Windcrest does not have a contract as Mr Pittman is a part time city employee."

Wow, so now its $75,000 for a PART TIME employee and WITHOUT a job application or contract.

That equates to a $150,000 dollar per year, the highest paid employee ever! 

The only time I know Tom Pittman acomplished anything was when he was caught opening a fire Hydrant to run water into a pond.  You may remember the news article, employee charged with stealing water.  At that time I bet you did not know he was Windcrest's highest paid employee!

Our City Council is out of control.  Jake Jacobi, Jim Shelton and Pam Dodson are up for re-election.

Please VOTE for Dan Reese, Henry Moncada and Mike Scott to replace these three council positions and get control of this city.

Paying a part time employee $75,000/yr is outrageous!